- We the Community of The Inner Light are a prophetic Orthodox Christian community where the Holy Trinity; Father, Son, Holy Spirit is recognized as the creative principle of God’s wholeness.
- Being in the Image of God (Genesis 1:26), our spiritual nature, gives us the wisdom to reject living according to the temporal principle of duality; Good and Evil which binds us in a Nightmare of Ignorance.
- Accepting Jesus as the Christ (John 1:14), the incarnate triune God into humanity through Mary the Virgin, who said Yes and trusted in the message of God, birthing Jesus, who knew himself as Image and Son of God, who called Himself: the Way, the Truth and the Life, the Resurrection and the Life, the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Door to the Sheepfold, the Good Shepherd, and the Heavenly Son of Man.
- Trusting Jesus, who said “Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works I do, and greater works than these will he do.” (John 14:12)
- We acknowledge trusting in the process of going “after the likeness of God.” (Genesis 1:26, Mark 9:24)
- We affirm the equality of people, who are in God’s Image (Genesis 1:26).
- Accepting Baptism and Confirmation as committing us to the spirit of inclusion and collaboration.
- Called to respond to God, in being a community where seekers and their questions are welcomed, where injustice in all its forms is challenged, where the alienated and the marginalized find understanding and where people are refreshed, reconciled and renewed through their journey in their eternal life.
- Standing together as a people of the I Am (Exodus 4:13-15) we seek to realize the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:21)in the Eternal Now!
- This is the Beginning!
Copyright © 2003-2009 Father Maximus Gregorios
All Rights Reserved